About Superintendent Bryant

  • Dr. Ray Bryant’s preferred search firm, assisting in the search by the Elmira City School District and the Warwick Valley Central School District:
    Western New York Educational Search Consultants

    222 Baldy Hall
    State University of New York at Buffalo
    Buffalo, NY 14260-1000
    Phone: 716-645-2932
    E-mail: vcoppola@buffalo.edu
    The nonprofit organization, founded in 1966, employs 1½ professional staffers. It does about five searches per year, mainly in New York. Fees and expenses range from $8,000 to $15,000 per search. The organization also does staff development, efficiency studies and merger studies for school districts. Vince Coppola, a former superintendent, is the executive director.
  1. Bryan Kelley
    January 18, 2011 at 4:36 pm

    You will find interesting things in Elmira regarding ray bryant. his resignation was more impart to running from allegations regarding misuse of appropriated funds. the district “paid” off another assistant superintendant (during Bryants tenure) with extra sick days as part of a severance package…..some of which, after investigation Robert Gosden (afformentioned) returned to avoid further penalty. On Bryant (and others) watch, ineffective administrators were “hidden” with new, made-up titles at the Admin building in order to get them out of the schools. These people are now principals of their own office making 100k.

    Bryant was shady when he was here, and he’s probably just as shady in Warwick. Where there is smoke, there’s fire. Good luck dealing with him. Chances are he’ll slide on to the next unsuspecting district.

  2. Denise
    April 17, 2013 at 6:09 pm

    Will you be having another meeting? All that Ray Bryant and our present board have done in recent weeks has created such discord. We need to come together and rebuild our community.

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